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August 31, 2020

Local Company Introduces 360-Degree Sanitisation Solution to Help in COVID-19 Fight

A local full-service branding company has acquired the distribution rights for a new sanitisation solution that promises to significantly boost the fight against the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). The company, Concept Promotions, is offering among its suite of products, the 360-Degree Sanitization Tunnel, which offers full body sanitisation in as little as eight seconds, non-contact automatic body temperature detection, non-contact hand sanitiser dispenser, as well as facial recognition with mask detection capabilities. It also has the capacity to store up 150,000 records, reducing the need for physical contact tracing, and integrates with building access control systems. Adriel McKay, the founder and managing director, said the sanitisation tunnel is a portable unit that is a convenient and effective way for organisations such as hotels, airports, banks, business process outsourcing (BPO) centres, hospitals and other facilities and businesses that process many people daily to carry out all the required sanitisation-related protocols using a single unit. “Currently, persons are only using small amounts of alcohol-based sprays on their hands when entering or using public spaces, which is not sufficient as the virus can transfer to other parts of the body, clothes and personal effects. Studies show that SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19, can live on various surfaces for several hours and up to seven days in the case of plastics and metal. The sanitisation tunnel gives full body and personal effects protection,” he said. McKay further stated that, “This unit will transform the way organisations manage all the required protocols related to COVID-19, saving them money, which is now spent on extra personnel and different solutions. This is about ensuring that you can provide the best protection for your staff, clients, patrons and the public, with the use of the best in technology and convenience.” The company said the tunnel uses a proprietary brand of hospital grade hypochlorous acid, which is a people-friendly formula effective in killing the virus. McKay said that the new device forms part of Concept Promotions’ COVID-19 TotalCare product line, which offers sanitisation solutions for living, working and doing business during the pandemic. Source: Jamaica Observer

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