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Government of Jamaica   

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Apply Now

Developer Data Capture Form

Occupant Data Capture Form

We appreciate your interest in investing in Jamaica via the Special Economic Zone Regime. 
Therefore, if your company is prepared to submit an application for SEZ Developer, Occupant, or Zone User status, you may now initiate this process via the website.
To ensure that you have correctly compiled your application for SEZ status, please conduct the following two (2) steps:
1.       First, confirm that you are applying for the correct status by referencing the “Which status should you apply for” page.

2.       Second, confirm that you have all the required documents by reviewing the relevant SEZ Checklist and downloading the associated SEZ Application Kit.

Now that you are ready to apply CLICK HERE to submit your application.
Our Business Development Team will provide an email response within 1 – 2 business days outlining the next steps.
However, if you seek further guidance on the SEZ regime and the application process, you may Request a Consultation.
Thank you again for your interest.