Caribshopper – the online sales platform promoting Caribbean products , a cultural commerce site, officially opened its virtual doors in October 2020 and currently offers a broad catalogue of Caribbean products ranging from food, health and beauty, apparel and accessories, books, art, home and living to name a few. is an online marketplace that enables consumers in the United States to purchase Caribbean products, made directly by Caribbean merchants, and have them delivered directly to their doors. “Before COVID-19, the challenges most merchants faced was the cost to export as well as the logistics. Now during COVID-19 these merchants also have to think about entering the virtual space, which for many is a cost they can’t afford. Caribshopper has become the solution to all those challenges. Caribshopper also helps to market and tell the brand stories for each merchant. “It costs merchants nothing to list on the platform. Caribshopper unlike many other platforms has no fees. Open for all merchants, Caribshopper will work with the merchants who are not export ready to get them ready with the help of partners like JAMPRO [Jamaica Promotions Corporation], so we encourage merchants to contact us on any of our platforms for more information,” informed Kadion Preston, chief executive officer of Caribshopper. Caribshopper has already listed over 130 merchants from Jamaica offering more than 1900 products. During its initial stage more than 400 products were sold and delivered throughout the US in an average of three-and-a-half days. Merchants from Trinidad are now being on boarded to the platform and will start shipping this month. Caribshopper pivoted in 2019 to focus purely on export from the Caribbean to the rest of the world. Developing the Caribbean and creating a platform to showcase the talent, quality of products and developing the economy is what fueled the pivot. Source: