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Government of Jamaica   


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Jamaica Logistics Hub Initiative

The Government of Jamaica has embarked on the GLOBAL LOGISTICS HUB INITIATIVE (GLHI) to capitalise on the trade and business opportunities that will emanate from the expansion of the Panama Canal. Jamaica already has a very vibrant shipping industry, and Kingston Harbour is the seventh-largest natural harbour in the world.

Master Plan and Market Analysis

Jamaica, via its Logistics Hub Initiative (LHI), has the opportunity to capitalize on the global phenomenon of continuing industrial fragmentation. To do so, Jamaica intends to position itself as a global logistics hub by capitalizing on its strategic location to serve major trade corridors. With port and airport expansion and complementary logistics facilities already underway, Jamaica has a unique opportunity to leverage the physical and performance dimensions of its assets to attract investments; many industries have much to gain from the expanded transport connectivity and increased access to markets, which large domestic ports and transshipment ports can provide. Market access potential for industries is significant as the vessels plying the trade lanes of the Latin America and Caribbean region serve a consumer market of approximately 800 million people.